Introducing Systems Thinking


Systems Thinking was developed in the ‘50s & ‘60s by the then largest UK Company, ICI. Academic rigour was assured by The Open University and Lancaster University amongst others. There is a worldwide community of practitioners on LinkedIn.

The methodology and associated tools and techniques are useful when systems with complex human activity aspects are causing problems that need to be resolved. Proposed amendments to existing policies or strategies can also be examined to avoid unexpected and unintended consequences. 


Systems Thinking has marked advantages over any other analysis methods where there is complexity and interconnectedness of the systems involved.

The Manual that I have written (see its Contents in this section) concentrates on the techniques and tools and there is also a suggested flexible methodology in this section, to deploy systems thinking effectively and maximise its benefit of it as a problem-solving tool. There is also a page in this section showing typical diagrams used in the analysis of problems.

The Manual also outlines the essential skills needed to explore a problem as a sole investigator, fitting you to work alone or be the coordinator of a study group.

Techniques are introduced and their uses explored to: -

  • Identify the human and technical issues in complex interconnected situations.
  • Focus on the key system in a potential solution.
  • Examine the possible solutions and the most important criteria for the major stakeholders.


A study of Systems Thinking will help anyone who wishes to think about issues their organisation faces in an open, unbiased, and comprehensive way.

  • Any professional seeking to influence the outlook of those he/she reports to.
  • Any professional seeking to change the method of working in their section.
  • Those specifying complex solutions with many human interfaces.
  • Personnel seeking to enhance their analysis skills.
  • IT User Requirements professionals 

Full benefit will be achieved if you begin to use some of the concepts and techniques which are explained in the Manual in your own environment. Some techniques will become second nature to you.