Document Management - User Requirements Checklist for Acceptance Tests


Companies in large and smaller projects/operations should focus on a common interest with User/Operators of Life-time data use in operating their products.

It has taken years to reduce the problem of paper-based documentation, but efforts to segregate, store and reduce the volume but ensuring the needs of Maintenance, Litigation and Insurance/Regulation must be promoted with clients.


Engineering Documentation/Drawings

Vendor/Contractor/Sub-Contractor Documentation/Drawings

CAD Disks

Download of Various Registers/Listings in various electronic formats.

Technical Documentation supplied by Clients/Contractors.

Quality Documentation/Procedures/Audit Report Information

Project Correspondence/Formal Correspondence

1.1 Engineering Documentation/Drawings

From site /contractor/sub-contractor using system for numbering which is adaptable for individual client needs

Download of data from internal drawing office disciplines electronically.

Simple/easy to use method of registration, data entry/scanning.

Flexible use of revisions and revision descriptions

Narratives for entering additional information.

Title blocks available to store long titles/descriptions.

Dates of first issues and subsequent issues

Ability to register originating author and updates against subsequent authors.

Cross relating information.

Archive locations

Complete revision histories from inception through to As Built and close-out.

Distribution histories recorded.

Size and number of pages of document/drawing

Ability to record CTR/Percentage complete information and report on same

Ability to allocate documentation/drawing numbering directly from database and record expected dates of issue for overdue/look-ahead reporting.

Signing out documentation to internal/3rd parties via database

1.2 Vendor/Contractor/Sub-Contractor Documentation/Drawings:

As above

Ability to enter expected/promised dates of documentation for overdue/look-ahead reporting.

Registration and issue of interface data

Archive locations

1.3 CAD Disks:

Record disk contents

Format of data

Data created and by whom.

Archive location

1.4 Download of Various Registers/Listings in various Electronic Formats:

Ability to download electronically registers/reference documents/procedures from

Outside contracting companies/clients etc.

Ability to transfer data into format of an internally developed system for easy retrieval.

Ability to manipulate data for reporting purposes.

Transfer at project handover to required formats as set down by clients.

1.5 Technical Documentation supplied by Clients/Contractors:

System must be able to manage large volumes of data received from clients in either electronic form as above, or to be registered/input manually using required numbering formats.

Ability to transfer technical data from one source to another electronically, either internally or to outside contractors/vendors

1.6 Quality Documentation/Procedures/Audit Report Information:

Ability to write procedures/update and issue electronically to internal and external sources.

System to transmit procedures/quality documentation to all required recipients.

To supply reporting facilities on audit reports and ability to track and chase outstanding corrective actions.

Facility to issue new work instructions or updated sections of procedures using a controlled issue method.

A receipt facility to enable central source to track that updates/audit report issues have been received by recipients and method to track replies to same

1.7 Project Correspondence/Formal Correspondence:

System for automatically numbering uniquely all types of correspondence i.e.

Memo’s/Letters/Electronic Mail/Faxes/Telexes/Tender Enquiries/Contract Award

Ability to electronically send Faxes via PC.

Search facilities to retrieve created data.

Flexible numbering systems to service client requirements

For every item registered this must include:

Data created/issues/sent
Authors name
Type of data i.e., Letter/Memo/Fax
Recipient Name and Address
Telephone/Fax Number
Archive Location
Project to which allocated i.e., Receipt system for recording when recipient receives correspondence (Formal Issues)


Engineering Documentation/Drawings

Vendor/Contractor/sub-Contractor Documentation/Drawings

CAD Disks

Reports/Overdue/Look ahead information.

Technical Data to outside sources i.e., Vendors

Quality Documentation

Project/Formal Correspondence

2.1 Engineering Documentation/Drawings:

To set up standard distribution matrices for specific types of documentation drawings at various


To issue to internal disciplines/projects or outside sources

Ability to issue for Information/Review/Approval/Construction/As-Built etc.

Formal transmission system to satisfy requirements laid down by Certifying Authorities.

Ability to issue documentation/drawings for various reviews checks i.e., Single Discipline or Multi-Discipline

Ability to send standard drawings details electronically to outside sources.

To register/track review documentation i.e., who has what, when required back by

Deviations etc. to clients for approval

Issue documentation on series/parallel reviews

2.2 Vendor/Contractor/Sub-Contractor Documentation Drawings:

Distribute requirements for documentation/drawings electronically to Vendors/

Contractors etc.

To issue documentation received out to internal disciplines/projects/external sources for review/approval/information.

Formal transmission system to record when documentation sent and to whom.

System must have formal acceptance of documentation to satisfy requirements of Certifying Authorities.

Ability to issue one set/multi-sets of documentation for interface review to multi-parties.

Follow-up/chase review data to ensure that it is returned within required timescales.

Distribution to central discipline/project responsible for that piece of work advising at all times on current situation of order.

Ability to set up standard matrices for specific documentation at specific review grades.

Final submissions of documentation recorded and issued formally to required recipients.

Issue documentation for series/parallel reviews

2.3 CAD Disks:

Distribution to internal sources i.e., Design Office.

To client/third parties

Formal transmission method with receipts

Ability to advise on data contents/format etc. to archive locations.

2.4 Reports/Overdue/ Information:

To internal sources/Vendors/Contractors either electronically or in paper form

Ability to attach to formal correspondence.

Receipt facility to ensure recipients have received and read reports to management/clients.

Copies to central sources advising on status of their area of work/orders.

2.5 Technical Data to outside sources i.e., Vendors:

Distribute standard specifications/example drawings.

Requisitions electronically to Vendors with attached requirements listings

Ability to record to whom sent/when and acknowledgement of receipt.

2.6 Quality Documentation:

To clients for review/approval/information

To internal sources for information/update

To management advising on status of audit reports/corrective actions

Ability to register and distribute quality documentation received for external sources/clients.

2.7 Project/Formal Correspondence:

To internal/external/clients

Built in receipt for formal correspondence.

Ability to distribute faxes/memo’s/letters to multiple parties electronically.

Register - distribution to whom/where and when to archive electronically.


Engineering Documentation/Drawings

Vendor Review Documentation and Final Submissions

Electronic Data/Disks

Project Correspondence

Quality/Technical Documentation

3.1 Engineering Documentation/Drawings:

Simple ease of use method of archiving engineering documentation whether in: -

Hard copy paper form or electronically

Registration of date requested to be archived and by whom with archive location.

Archive box number registered if done in hard copy paper form.

Project Title/Original author all registered

Date of Project/Client Name/Project Title

Name of person responsible for archiving data

Facilities to search data using all input criteria fields.

Reporting on screen or in paper form from searches

Confidentiality built-in to system

Allow for different grades of users i.e., Read Only/Archive Editors/Controllers.

Archive system to tie back to Document Control Module

Ability to print box/file contents from archive.

Where stored i.e., internally - CAD/Optical Disks or Storage Company

Destruction date using Company guidelines.

3.2 Vendor Review Documentation and Final Submissions:

As above

By Vendor/Contractor and ability to search on same

3.3 Electronic Data/Disks:

As Above

Ability to send to archive and log:

Data Format

Originating Company/Author

Client name/project number and project title

Date for disposal

Whether VIRUS checked and on which system and when

3.4 Project Correspondence:

As above

Ability to pick up data from project correspondence files and send to archives.

3.5 Quality/Technical Documentation:

As Above

To store by Technical Authority name i.e., British Standard and report on same

Data Capture and Importing Information
Magnetic Media
Floppy Disks
Magnetic Tape /cartridge
Optical Disk
OCR - Optical Character Recognition
CALS - Computer aided Acquisition and Life cycle Support
SCADA - System Control and Data Acquisition

Imaging Redline
Scanning and also how to avoid it
Need for encoding

Workflow Control
System Security
Check & Approval
Client involvement
Data Delivery and Exporting Information to be considered
Import of Images from Graphics based systems.
Image handling of all documents
Numbering System
Filing System.