WELCOME to my website.

I re-focussing my website on the theme to STIMULATE CHANGE.

I am now retired, but believe in keeping physically and even more importantly, mentally active. I maintain a database of contacts developed from my technical reading and remove anyone immediately on request. I use it to email on a variety of topics and my main theme in recent years is how Engineering can mitigate Climate Change, which my website covers in detail. However, my experience is that the lay public has little interest. So now I try to stimulate thoughts on related skills and form opinions on my favourite topics.

I have posted to Twitter (@20ccnorman) and LinkedIn over 620 examples of Engineering Developments that mitigate Climate Change, which is also the subject 3 published articles on changing ways of producing electricity and also of using it.

I monitor visits to my website and find to my surprise that the fastest growing topic of interest is Document Management (I thought it to be a mature topic) and now has a renaissance, a fact confirmed by the leading magazine in the field, Document Manager, see https://document-manager.com/

Reading this you will see that my website provides detail of my career in engineering, which I enjoyed, spent in the developing, implementing and marketing of software systems for the engineering processes of 2D & 3D CAD, Document & Asset Management.

In total. I have recently had seven articles published on a variety of topics published (see My writings on this site).

I also devoted 30 years part-time to The Open University tutoring their first & second level Engineering courses, the three levels of Systems Thinking Courses of problem-solving techniques and a MSc for technical managers. I experienced all aspects of the OU, residential schools, setting and marking exams and for 4 years as External Examiner in Systems Thinking for the Arab Open University in Kuwait.

I have chaired many committees (see My Background and Career Highlights) on this site. I am a member of the European Movement.

You are important, so keep safe.

Norman Harris